What is a Practice Management System?
A Practice Management System, in simple terms, helps law firms and/or in-house counsel manage their practice. More specifically, it helps manage their matters and cases. While the exact functionality varies from one application to another, typically a Practice Management System should include functionalities that aid firms to deliver legal services more effectively while reducing cost and increasing their income. Some of the critical functions of a Practice Management system are case/matter database, Calendar Schedule, Time tracking, billing and document storage.
The features of a practice management software can vary from a simple time and billing to a complete suite of modules designed to automate the workflow of an entire business. This is why regardless of the type of law being practiced, practice management software has proven to be the most important type of technology in law firms.
Some of the most recent technologies being rolled out in the international markets include document assembly, intelligent legal research, e-discovery and case analytics software. Many of such developments are now in use by courts and multinational companies for complex legal matters.
Who should use a Practice Management System?
According to the 2014 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report, the firms that are most likely to use practice management systems are those that are in the small-to-mid market range i.e. 1-49 attorneys. Satisfaction with practice management software is generally high with most firms reporting that contacts, calendars, time and billing are generally the most useful elements of the software.